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How to Contribute

Before you get started

Commit an issue on the github

You are welcome to contribute any code or files to the project. But firstly we suggest you raise an issue on the github to start a discussion with the community. Check through the topic for Github.

Once we confirm the issue after our discussion, we will create an issue branch for you. You can later submit a pull request into the issue branch.

Step 1: Fork in the

  1. Visit

  2. Click the Fork button to establish an online fork.

Step 2: Develop

  • Develop a PDK Connector
    • Pass connector tests
  • Develop iengine/manager

    • Unit tests requirements

      Please add unit tests for the new features or bug fixes.

Step 3: Create a Pull Request

  1. Visit your fork.

  2. Click the Compare & pull request button next to your branch.

  3. Submit pull request to the issue branch

Step 4: Get a Code Review

Once your pull request has been created, it will be assigned to at least one reviewer. The reviewer will do a thorough code review to make sure that the changes meet the repository’s contributing guidelines and other quality standards.