Quick Start
This guide walks you through the quickest way to get started with Tapdata using Docker .
If you want to use the existing mongodb to save the tapdata metadata, please refer to Installation for steps.
Make sure Docker and Git has been successfully installed.
Let’s make data on tap!
- Install
# Clone tapdata repo
git clone https://github.com/tapdata/tapdata.git
# Get start!
bash build/quick-use.sh
- Check the service status
docker ps |grep tapdata
- Create Tapdata DataSource & Job to transform the Data from mysql to mongoDB.
Suppose the demo Mysql infomation:
host: demo-mysql
port: 3306
username: root
password: password
database: demo
Suppose the demo MongoDB infomation:
host: demo-mongo
port: 27017
username: root
password: password
database: demo
# Login to Tapdata using ishell
docker-compose exec ishell ishell
# Demo Database is 'demo'
# Demo Table is 'Customer'
# Create Mysql DataSource
> Demo_Mysql = DataSource("mysql","Demo_Mysql").host("demo-mysql").port(3306).username('root').password('password').db('demo')
> Demo_Mysql.save()
# Create MongoDB DataSource
> Demo_Mongo = DataSource("mongodb","Demo_Mongo").uri("mongodb://root:password@demo-mongo:27017/demo?authSource=admin")
> Demo_Mongo.save()
# Create a job that transform the Customer table in Mysql to MongoDB and add/set filed 'updated' at the same time.
> Demo_job = Pipeline("Demo_job").readFrom(Demo_Mysql.Customer).js('record["updated"]=new Date() ;return record;').writeTo(Demo_Mongo.Customer-v1)
> Demo_job.start()
# Check the status of job
> show jobs
> monitor job Demo_job
# Check the log of job
> logs job Demo_job limit=5 tail=True